Welcome to the homepage of

Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders MG Club


Our single aim is to have more fun, with and without our MGs 

Meetings are normally held on the second Thursday each month at Boroughmuir Rugby Club and shown on the Forthcoming Events page


New members (with or without MGs) are always welcome: all you need is an interest in the MG marque.

You will find details of our club and its activities on the pages of this site, along with information on how to join.


Please feel free to read our recent Newsletters, which may be downloaded below.


July 2024 Club Newsletter
July 24 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.6 MB]
June 2024 Club Newsletter
June 24 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.9 MB]
May 2024 Club Newsletter
May 24 newsletter .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
April 2024 Club Newsletter
April 24 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
March 2024 Club Newsletter
March 24 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
February 2024 Club Newsletter
Feb 24 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
January 2024 Club Newsletter
Jan 24 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]
December 2023 Club Newsletter
Dec 23 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB]
November 2023 Club Newsletter
Nov 23 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.4 MB]
October 2023 Club Newsletter
Oct 23 newsletter .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
September 2023 Club Newsletter
Sept 23 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.8 MB]
August 2023 Club Newsletter
Aug 23 newsletter web copy[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.8 MB]
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© Edinburgh MG Club