Please complete the form below if you would like to join us.
What does the club ask of its members?
The Club demands very little of its members, it is what you want to make it. The members and committee members will speak to you and try to include you in various groups or interest you in the many events being organised, but a lot rests with you and your own interests and inclinations as to wether you join in or not. No one will be offended, or think any the worse of you if you don't want to take part in any particular events, all we ask is that you consider coming along to support the Club meetings and events as and when you want, and advise us of any activities you would like to take part in.
Data Protection Policy
All personal data given to the Club is protected under our Data Protection Policy, which you may download by following the link to the relevant page.
Membership Cost
Annual £15 subscription cost covers membership from January through December
Please ensure that you tick the box in the form below giving your consent to our using your addresses, or we will not be able to communicate with you!